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NFS Leasing is a privately-held North American leader in equipment finance with over 15 years of experience. NFS provides equipment financing and secured loans to small and middle market non-investment grade companies in the U.S. and Canada.
NFS uses its own balance sheet capital and provides fast, flexible credit decisions.


NFS Leasing, Inc. Achieves 34% Year-Over-Year Growth of Originations in 2024
NFS Leasing, Inc. Achieves 34% Year-Over-Year Growth of Originations in 2024


NFS Leasing, Inc. Sets Company Record for Year-Over-Year Originations in 2023.

NFS Leasing, Inc. Sets Company Record for Year-Over-Year Originations in 2023

Dana Monitor Website

2023 Monitor Top Women Dana Calumby


NFS Leasing, Inc. promotes Emily Silva to Vice President of Documentation and Funding

reports 32

NFS Leasing, Inc. Reports 32% Year-Over-Year Growth of Originations in 2022

asset based loans

NFS Leasing, Inc. Expands its Offerings to Include Asset Based Loans

NFS Leasing, Inc. Reports 16% Year-Over-Year Growth of Originations in 2021
NFS Leasing, Inc. Reports 16% Year-Over-Year Growth of Originations in 2021
Dana Calumby

NFS Leasing, Inc. Appoints Dana Calumby to Chief Financial Officer

NFS Leasing, Inc. appoints Eric P. Renaud to Chief Credit Officer

NFS Leasing, inc. To Offer Off-lease Equipment for sale or Lease

NFS Leasing, Inc. 16% Year-Over-Year Growth

NFS Leasing, Inc. Reports 16% year-over-year growth of originations in 2020

ashley wyman

Ashley Whyman Appointed President Of NFS Leasing, Inc.

NFS Leasing Growth
NFS Leasing reports 20% originations increase, headquarters expansion, 2019


Press Release NFS Leasing, Inc. Supports Velico Medical in Transforming Transfusion Medicine and Saving Lives.

NFS Leasing, Inc. Supports Velico Medical in Transforming Transfusion Medicine and Saving Lives

$6M in Growth Capital for a Leading Data Management and Data Governance Provider

NFS Leasing, Inc. Extends $6M to Innovative Unstructured Data Management Provider Congruity360

NFS Leasing Extrends Financing to Ziosk

NFS Leasing, Inc. Extends Financing for Ziosk® to Support its Accelerated Growth and Exciting Demands

Crane/Machinery Equipment Financing

NFS Leasing, Inc. Rises to the challenge to support crane and machinery rental servicers accelerated demand

NFS Leasing, Inc. Unearths new opportunities with Mega Highwall Mining, with $11.8MM financing

Flow Water Incorporated

NFS Leasing, Inc. Finances $6.5mm for socially responsible Food and Beverage Disrupter, flow alkaline spring water

Equipment financing for Hand Sanitizer Production
NFS Leasing, Inc. Helps existing customer expand its business to hand sanitizer production
NFS Leasing Supports Testing Laboratory

NFS Leasing supports testing laboratory facing increased demands amid COVID-19

Sanuwave Health, Incorporated

SANUWAVE signs $1,000,000 equipment financing line with NFS Leasing

NFS Leasing Partners With Starlite Media
NFS Leasing, Inc. Partners with Digital Media Disruptor, Starlite Media LLC to expand reach into new regional markets
Funding for Gravity Diagnostics for COVID-19 Testing
Equipment finance leader, NFS Leasing, Inc. Provides critically needed funding to gravity diagnostics for covid-19 testing


Welding and Gas Supply Business Equipment Financing

NFS Leasing, Inc. completes complex story financing for second-generation family-owned welding and gas supply business

Rocket Manufacturing

NFS Leasing, Inc. launches partnership with Rocket Manufacturing Company to fuel testing

Gro-Well Inc Equipment Financing with NFS LEasing

Partnership between NFS Leasing, Inc. and Gro-Well Brands Inc. blossoms this spring with expanded equipment finance

Equipment Financing to GlyEco

NFS Leasing provides $4.55MM lease line to GlyEco

manufacturing equipment financing
High precision manufacturer with immediate need to upgrade equipment, quickly constructs new partnership with NFS Leasing, Inc.


Heather Lee
Employee Spotlight: Heather Lee, Manager of Leasing Services
Dana Calumby

Monitor 2022 NextGen Leader: Dana Calumby, CFO of NFS Leasing

Dan Salstein

Employee Spotlight: Dan Salstein, Associate General Counsel

2020 Women’s List Ashley Whyman
Monitor 2020 Women’s List: Ashley Whyman
Craig Cooper

Employee Spotlight:
Craig Cooper, VP of Business Development

Person of the Year Cliff Rucker
Person of the Year:
Cliff Rucker


Construction and Reclamation Services, Inc.

Construction and Reclamation Services LLC (CRS) is an early-stage environmental recovery company that rebuilds lands that have been damaged by mining operations.

Lema Materials LLC

Previously operating in the trucking services business, Lema Materials LLC recognized a new opportunity.

Trident Transport LLC Chattanooga, TN
After consummating the deal with NFS Leasing, Trident Trucking was able to cut its monthly equipment expense in half.
Salcido Enterprises, LLC
Salcido has two large capital requirements: building a sufficient data center facility and acquiring the required servers.

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