Thermo Arl 3460 Oes Metals Analyzer

  • The Thermo ARL 3460 OES Metals Analyzer is a multi-channel optical emission spectrometer designed for fast, accurate metals analysis in primary plants, foundries, forges, mini-mills, casting operations, incoming material control, metals QC and R&D laboratories.
  • Electrical: 230V, 60Hz, 20Amps, 1 Phase.
  • System Includes:
    • Controlled Power Company Power Purification System (Electrical: 230V, 60Hz, 1 Phase).
    • Vuchard Ventilation Fumivair 350/125 (Electrical: 230V, 50/60Hz, 0.9Amps).
    • Dell CPU With Monitor.
    • Suction device and a voltage regulator.
    • Direct ship or pick-up: Rhode Island

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